

Ministry of Finance forecasts 11% inflation and 0-2% of GDP in 2015

Ministry of Finance forecasts 11% inflation and 0-2% of GDP in 2015

The Ministry of Finance forecasts average annual inflation at 11% and GDP at 0.2% in 2015, announced Minister of Finance Oleksandr Shlapak.

“The average inflation throughout the year, not December on December, will be 11% this year. And the indicator will be the same based both on pessimistic and optimistic scenarios,” he informed.

In 2014 GDP decline will exceed 6% but in 2015 the GDP will be at the level of 0-2% provided there are certain conditions for it, according to Shlapak.

“In case active conflict in the east stops tomorrow we will have zero growth of the GDP. If the package of reforms is approved, then the growth will be more substantial – 2% - and that is exactly what we are expecting,” emphasized the minister.

Shlapak specified that the industrial output can decrease by 7%.

As a reminder, Premier Arseniy Yatsenyuk expects the approval of the law on the national budget 2015 by the current Verkhovna Rada.

As Capital reported, earlier NBU Governor Valeriya Hontareva announced the level of inflation could reach 19% this year.

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