

Socis - Parties of Poroshenko, Lyashko, Hrytsenko, Tymoshenko and Yatsenyuk pass the electoral threshold

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The Petro Poroshenko Bloc, the Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko, the Civil Position party of Anatoliy Hrytsenko, Batkivschyna of Yulia Tymoshenko and People’s Front of Arseniy Yatsenyuk will be elected the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, based on the results of the social survey conducted by the Center for Social and Marketing Research Socis.

74.5% of the respondents intend to take part in the elections to the parliament this autumn, according to the research.

45.7% of those who have made their choices and are ready to take part in the elections will vote for Poroshenko’s party, 13.7% - for Lyashko, 8.1% - for Hrytsenko and Tymoshenko, 5.6% - for Yatsenyuk.

In addition, 4.4% of respondents would vote for Strong Ukraine of Serhiy Tihipko, 4.5% - for the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda of Oleh Tyahnybok, 2.9% - for the Communist party of Ukraine, 1.9% - for the Party of Regions, 2% - for the Samopomich party of Andriy Sadoviy, 0.3% - for the agrarian union Zastup and 2.8% - for other parties.

The survey was conducted from September 5 to September 10 throughout Ukraine (except Crimea and the part of Donbas). In total, 2,800 respondents over the age of 18 were interviewed.

As a reminder, the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will be held on October 26. This year the electoral threshold is 5%.

Source: RBC-Ukraine
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Виталий Бабенко 16 September 2014, 16:09

Мне интересно, а респонденты список Блока Порошенко видели, или они на волне президентской гонке БПП поддержали? "Демократический" и "прозрачный" подход к выбору кандидатов от Блока просто удивляет, князьки-перебежчики Балоги попали в список, сын Алексей, кума певица Оксана Билозир, прям на кого не ткни все настоящие политики. И что удивительно, единственную партию, способную быть конструктивной оппозицией, и вносить разумные и аргументированные предложения, как-то мирный план, пытаются запретить.
