
Foreign exchange market

NBU began to give the law enforcement bodies lists of illegal exchangers

NBU began to give the law enforcement bodies lists of illegal exchangers
Photo: Ivan Chernichkin

The National Bank of Ukraine has started to provide the law enforcement bodies with lists of illegal currency exchange offices, said NBU Governor Veleriya Hontareva, as the regulator reported on its Facebook page. Thus, the law enforcement bodies have already received the list of 10 illegal exchangers, according to Hontareva.

“These currency exchange offices do not even have the license for carrying out such activity but still work on cash foreign exchange market,” she said.

In this connection, Hontareva appealed to the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service and State Fiscal Service of Ukraine to close illegal exchangers.

As Capital reported, the manual NBU management of hryvnia exchange rate has returned the black market to Ukraine.

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