

Yatsenyuk afraid of destabilization due to the devaluation of Russian rouble

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Yatsenyuk afraid of destabilization due to the devaluation of Russian rouble
Photo: Reuters

Premier Arseniy Yatsenyuk instructed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, State Fiscal Service and Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food to prevent destabilization of the situation in Ukraine due to the devaluation of Russian rouble, as he announced at the session of the government.

Now there is a collapse of the national currency in Russia, according to Yatsenyuk.

“In addition to the military aggression, they will provide financial aggression. Russians will try to sell their goods quickly in Ukraine as there is a competitive advantage,” said Yatsenyuk.

At that, he instructed the previously mentioned ministries and State Fiscal Service to hold emergency meeting on Friday and prevent mass flow of goods from Russia to Ukraine.

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Панове ! Если этот дурень ушастый думает, что не поднимая зарплат и пенсий, КТО ТО будет покупать ТО ЧТО ДОРОЖЕ, так он ДОЛБО..б ..... Изачем ОНО такое НУЖНО ????

Taras Makoveychuk 24 October 2014, 16:36

Какой идиотизм.
Вдвойне печально, когда идиоты при власти.
