
Car market

Primary market of Ukraine fell by 56% over 10 months


In January-October 133,703 vehicles were sold and registered by State Automobile Inspection, which is 56% less compared with the same period in 2013, reported the Association of Ukrainian Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Ukrautoprom.

At that, the sales of the new vehicles decreased by 54%, and the primary sales of the used vehicles – by 59%.

According to the association, the largest amount of sales during the period from January to October was carried out in the car market sector where 85,622 primary sales were registered, 96% of which (82,589 units) are the new cars and 4% (3,033 units) are the used cars imported to Ukraine.

The total primary sales of the commercial cars amounted to 45,990 units over ten months, the main part of which included used cars (40,216 units), and the share of new cars on the market of the commercial cars amounted to 13% (5,774 units), said the association.

Source: RBC-Ukraine
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