

Ukrainians spend more money on food than other Europeans

Ukrainians spend more money on food than other Europeans
Photo: Konstantin Melnitskiy

Last year the food expenses of residents of Ukraine increased from 50% to 53% of the total family budget, informed Head of the Analytical Department of RAM 360 Agency Denys Molchanov, as Delovaya Stolitsa reported.

This is the highest percentage in Europe, according to Molchanov. “For comparison – residents of the UK spend 9.1% of their incomes on food, Switzerland – 9.6%, Germany – 12.1%, France – 15.9%. Even our closest neighbors spend on food a smaller part of their incomes than Ukrainians: Poles – 25.1%, Russians – 30.3%, Belarusians – 40.8%, Moldovans – 43.2%," he said.

Economist of the International Centre for Policy Studies Oleksandr Zholud also noted that the level of food expenditures in the family budget shows the economic development of the country, i.e. the more prosperous country, the cheaper the food basket of its citizens.

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