

Analyst — Inflation will reach 20-25% this year


Inflation in Ukraine will not decrease in the near future, Senior Financial Analyst of Expert Trading Vitaliy Shapran told ForUm. «We are expecting inflation at 20-25% in 2014. There cannot be any devaluation less than the current one. There will be a direct export of inflation as the foreign analogues of the Ukrainian goods will increase in prices — and this is the objective process,» noted Shapran.

At that, the expert emphasized that the current level of devaluation of hryvnia directly influences the inflation.

«The high rates of devaluation are frightening. This is one of the driving forces of inflation process and that is why the official forecasts are not really adequate,» said the analyst.

Shapran also noted that the official indicators of economy are always overestimated as a rule.

«During any period all state statistics services and government always consider the official inflation lower than it is on the market. I hope that the difference between real and tangible inflation is 3-5%,» said the expert.

As a reminder, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the forecast of economic and social development of Ukraine and also the main macro indicators for 2016-2017.

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