

Poroshenko fires border guard chief

Poroshenko fires border guard chief
Photo: Reuters

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has dismissed Mykola Lytvyn from the post of the chief of the State Border Service, reported Interfax-Ukraine.

A respective presidential order was posted on the president's official Web site on Monday evening.

Lytvyn, born in 1961, has headed the State Border Service since 2003. He also served as the chairman of the State Committee for State Border Control - Commander of the Border Troops from November 2001.

Prior to that, he shortly was a commanded of the Interior Troops of Ukraine, and also served in the National Guard of Ukraine.

In August 2008, the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko promoted Lytvyn to the rank of general of the Ukrainian Army.

As Capital reported, earlier Poroshenko has said he decided to dismiss Mykola Lytvyn from the post of the head of the State Border Service as part of the reorganization of the agency.


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