

Shlapak - Ukraine’s GDP will decline below the pessimistic forecasts

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As a result of the destruction of industrial enterprises in the east of Ukraine by the insurgents Ukraine will fall short of 8-9% of GDP, although earlier the most negative forecasts reached 8%, said Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr Shlapak.

“While we had some positive expectations in July, after the Russian bandits changed tactics and indeed began to destroy the production sector in the east of Ukraine, the industry reacts. Thus, the situation that we see is worse,” informed the minister, as TSN reported.

The situation with the currency balance in Ukraine worsened as a result of deterioration of economic relations with Russia, not only due to the destruction of the industry in Eastern Ukraine as the currency proceeds of those companies accounted for 30% of all country’s currency earnings, according to the minister.

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Иван Похмельев
Иван Похмельев 15 October 2014, 21:30

Радоваться бы надо, что дотационный регион, "гиря на ногах экономики", наконец-то перестал получать дотации из бюджета.
